Koko Suomi
Are you ready to level up your career in the game or software industry? GamePro is a recruiting training program that aims to find employment in the game or software industry after the program has ended.
Koko Suomi
Programme schedule:
4.11.2024 - 8.5.2025
Application period:
Application period ended!
Application period ended! See all upcoming programmes here!
Find the next chapter of your career
Video games have gone mainstream and become the largest and fastest-growing form of media. Finnish game companies have been at the top of the game for a long, but the industry still faces a constant lack of new professionals. Future Game Developers, Artists, Designers, Project Managers and Producers, this is one of a kind opportunity to upgrade your skill points and land a new job in the game industry!
The highly requested program, GamePro, is here again. The program aims to train and recruit 20 new talents for the Finnish game industry through a unique training program. This is already the 12th GamePro program, and through the previous programs over 200 people have found their dream jobs in gaming companies.
GamePro is an F.E.C. program (Further Educated with Companies) organized by Saranen in collaboration with Neogames, ELY-keskus Uusimaa (Uusimaa Center for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) and TE-palvelut (Labor Exchange).
Keys to a new job and the latest information from the top of the industry
GamePro offers a unique way to find and start a new job through expert training that supports your new role. The duration of the program is six months and includes 20-25 training days, held by game industry professionals. Your main focus will be on your new role, at real projects in one of the program’s many partnering companies.
There are plenty of career opportunities in the program for different backgrounds. Professional requirements differ depending on the company and the role. You don’t necessarily have to be already an expert to apply – the point of the program is to help you grow into your new role!
You can apply to this recruiting training program if you are currently unemployed or facing the prospect of unemployment, and your job search is active at Labor Exchange (TE-palvelut).
One program, plenty of possibilities in the game industry
Game Programming
Do you have background in programming? Whether you have been focused on a specific language or a generalist, there are many different tech-side opportunities waiting.
Game Art & Design (2D & 3D)
Create art from small props to epic game environments. Wide range of different positions and possibilities open for talented and up and coming artists.
Project Management and Producers
Keep the game projects on track! You’ll have a good grasp of the industry and all the disciplines that go into making a game.
Above all, we are looking for motivation and enthusiasm of developing your own professional skills. You don’t necessarily have to already be an expert to apply – we’ll help you grow into your new role. Our goal is to find the role that best supports your background, interests and career development among several of our partner companies. Apply soon – we look forward to be hearing from you!
GamePro program is great for those trying to get in to the game industry but need a little push or additional training. The training covers just about every aspect of game development on a high level, and is curated by industry veterans and experienced game developers.
Haraldur Jónsson, Junior Client Side Developer, Dazzle Rocks
GamePro oli urani käynnistämiseksi juuri oikea juttu. Portfoliossani ei ollut hirveästi pelijuttuja ennalta, joten en varmastikaan olisi saanut suoraa työpaikkaa pelialalta ilman GameProta. Suosittelen ehdottomasti rekrytoivaan koulutusohjelmaan osallistumista muillekin uraansa aloitteleville.
Netta Lehtola, Associate 2D Artist, Electronic Arts
Kaiken kaikkiaan koulutus oli tosi hyvä. Eniten yllätyin siitä, kuinka suuri vaikutus jo yhdellä koulutuspäivällä voi olla omaan osaamiseen. Mieleen on jäänyt koulutuskokonaisuus pythonin alkeista. Vaikka olin käyttänyt ohjelmointikieltä jo aiemmin, sain koulutuksesta yllättävän paljon uutta sisältöä tekemiseeni. Työskentelyni on parantunut dramaattisesti koulutuksen jälkeen.
Lue lisää
Janne Blom, Software Engineer, Etteplan
RekryKoulutukseen hakeminen oli perinteiseen työnhakuun verrattuna erittäin nopeaa ja vaivatonta. Ohjelmaan hakiessani minun ei missään nimessä odotettu olevan valmis osaaja, vaan tärkeintä oli halu oppia uutta. RekryKoulutuksen kautta sain vakituisen työpaikan ja ennen kaikkea pääsin rakentamaan omannäköistä uraa alalle, josta olin haaveillut.
Lue lisää
Sini Aalto, Test Engineer
Parasta ohjelmassa oli päästä tekemään ohjelmointihommia ohjelmistoalan yritykseen ja samalla opiskella kuumimpia teknologioita koulutuspäivinä. Koulutuspäivät olivat antoisia välipäiviä työnteolle ja oli mukavaa opiskella motivoituneessa porukassa. Code Academyn kautta sain mahdollisuuden näyttää oman motivaation, oppimiskyvyn sekä taidot rekrytoivalle yritykselle ilman paineita.
Lue lisää
Samu Heikkinen, Junior Software Developer, Cloudia
Rekrytoiva koulutusohjelma on todellakin ollut hyödyllinen vaihe urallani, ja voin tämän kokemuksen perusteella suositella sitä. Suosittelisin koulutusohjelmaa sellaisille ihmisille, jotka tuntuvat olevan jumissa nykyisen uransa kanssa. Erityisesti alanvaihtajille tämä on erinomainen väylä uusille urille, sillä koulutukseen ei tarvitse sitoutua vuosikausiksi toisin kuin perinteisemmässä opiskelussa.
Lue lisää
Anne Mönttinen, Junior Software Engineer, Nolwenture
Olen todella tyytyväinen, että lähdin mukaan. Ohjelman ajan sain oppia tuoreita teknologioita ja vaihtaa arvokkaita näkökulmia muiden osallistujien kanssa. Koulutusohjelma oli itselleni paras vaihtoehto, sillä prosessi on selkeä ja tähtää aina työllistymiseen.
Lue lisää
Jukka Immonen, Service Manager, Fastroi
Code Academy laajensi osaamistani, vaikka osa sisällöstä olikin tuttua aikaisemmista työtehtävistä. Pääsin koulutusohjelman aikana tutustumaan itselleni uusiin teknologioihin ja opiskelemaan mielenkiintoisia uusia aiheita. Parasta koulutuksessa oli hyvin suunnitellut sisällöt ja laadukkaat kouluttajat. Ohjelman jälkeen sain työpaikan yhteistyöyrityksestäni.
Lue lisää
Olli Sivonen, Software Developer, Arbonaut
Level up your skills
GamePro training program is implemented as blended learning, which includes on-the-job learning in the partner company (95–100 days) and knowledge-based learning (20–25 days).
The training is mostly on-site training in Espoo and the on-the-job learning places are in the Uusimaa region. Training days for knowledge-based teaching take place approximately 1–2 times a week. The rest of the training is completed by on-the-job learning in the partner company. Education requires a good command of English.
Recruitment training, what is it?
The purpose of the programme is to enhance your expertise through high-quality training days and learning on the job in a new role. The aim of the recruitment training is for participants to secure employment within participating companies upon programme completion.
GamePro is workforce training, which is implemented in Uusimaa area with local TE-services and ELY-centre. The programme is targeted for unemployed jobseekers, or people facing the prospect of unemployment.
Grow quickly a new job
GamePro training combines new work and expert training into one package in a convenient way. In addition to the job you're aiming for, you’ll also invest in your own expertise in the long run and boost your skills on topics that are very sought after in the IT and game industry.
The main goal of the training is to employ you with a partnering company at the end of a 6-month program. Did you know that on average, 80 % of our program participants lands the job after the training?
During the 6-month period, you will also get to know the work community and final work assignments in advance, so you’ll have all the right tools to succeed in your future role.
Find positions that suits you
Training program gives you the opportunity to influence on your career development and what your next role might look like. Curiosity about new topics and technologies, as well as your enthusiasm for developing your own professional skills, are your greatest strengths, whether you are in the early stages of your career or an already more experienced expert. We value diversity so come as you are! The final job assignment will be tailored for you to fit your interests and previous experience.
Find more about the roles at the end of this page.
Top quality level training
During the program, you’ll receive quality training from industry leaders and increase your skills that will be beneficial to you now and in the future. The best part of the training is that you’ll get the chance to take all your new skills and traits conveniently into practice in your new role.
Training consists of about 30 % of training days. The other 70 %, participants will be spending working in the hiring companies in real projects.
Saranen as your job seeking agent
The Saranen’s competence profile serves as your business card for all the recruiting companies in the program. Through the profile, you can tell us about your background, competence, motivation and your future career goals. Thus, you don’t have to apply for open roles separately and you’ll get the chance to discuss and spar about job opportunities with Saranen’s experts during the application process.
Our goal is to find a role that supports your background and career development in the best possible way, regardless of your background and ambitions.
Recruiting companies & open roles
There are several vacancies of different levels and the final work assignments can be customized according to your background and interests where possible.
We are constantly updating open roles during the application period as new needs arise. Please note, that the needs of all companies are not publicly visible. Therefore, in addition to the roles listed, you can also apply for many other roles and companies.
Application period ended!
Application period ended!
Have questions? We got answers!
Do you have any questions about the programme, training, open positions, or anything else? Check out the frequently asked questions here or contact us directly. We're happy to help.
For whom is the program targeted?
You can apply to this recruiting training program if you are currently unemployed or facing the prospect of unemployment, and your job search is active at Labor Exchange (TE-palvelut).
Professional requirements differ depending on the company and the role. For example, game programming requires a background in programming and game art requires talents in graphics. Your own game projects are a big plus. If you have a portfolio of your work available, please include a link to your profile.
For game programming roles, we definitely want to hear more of you, if you have any of:
- Background in programming by education (for example, master’s degree in engineering, suitable technical/commercial education)
- Previous work history in developer/programming positions
- You have done your own programming projects, maybe even game project
For graphical roles, you will increase your success if you have any of:
- Graphical art education
- Previous work history in graphical positions
- Your own portfolio to showcase your talent
Applicants are required to have sufficient proficiency in Finnish (B1.1) and good English, as well as strong motivation to develop their own competence.
Duration and schedule of the program?
Application period: 13.9.2024-9.10.2024
Program schedule: 4.11.2024-8.5.2025 (6 months)
Application process
From Saranen, you get individual support from the beginning of the recruitment process in the form of sparring, guidance and coaching.
1. After TE-service's application processing and pre-selection, we will invite you to interview with us.
2. Once we have gotten to know you in more detail, we will start advancing your application process.
3. We offer and arrange times for pre-interviews. After the selections, we conclude a training contract between you and the company for the duration of the program. The goal of the training is to employ you in a cooperative company for a permanent employment relationship at the end of the program.
You can find out more about the application process and the progression of the program here!
The purpose of the training is to employ you in a cooperative company through the program. This can happen at the end of the program, or even during the program. On average, more than 80 % of the participants are recruited into a new role at the end of the training program.