Working for competence
We guarantee the success of employees and employers in the work life of tomorrow.
Reinvent your careerSolutions for companiesSo that work and workers would find each other.
For 30 years, Saranen has opened doors to success for companies and individuals.
We strengthen the potential of employers and jobseekers by acting as a partner in the recruitment, training and management of new talent. In uncertain situations, we can provide stability and steer both individuals and companies through the change.
For jobseekers
We can help you take the next step in your career by updating your competence. At the same time, we will strengthen your potential and job opportunities.
Find your new careerWork through training
In the recruitment training programme, you get to combine your new work duties with your new competence quickly and efficiently, regardless of where you are in your career. Every year, several hundred people find a new job through us. Are you one of them? Check out our training programmes starting soon!
For companies
Does your company want to be a pioneer in the work life? We can help you! We will be your reliable partner in any situations of change.
Renew with usFor those facing a change
In any situation of change, we will stand by you as a source of support, innovation and help.
Discover your potential
Working for competence with 30 years of experience.
Jobseekers trained in our services per year
Training programmes per year
Recruiting companies per year
In cooperation with
Missives from the work life
Views on modern recruitment, changes in the work life, situations of change and competence development. Check out the latest new and events from us and our partners!
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Becoming a coding talent of tomorrow through recruitment training
Sini Aalto and Nelson Makubuya Ntege found their dream jobs in the programming industry through a recruitment training programme. Recruitment training provided...
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Recruitment training helped Miikka find meaningful employment
Miikka Wakkola, who has a degree in business, thought that the recruitment training programme would benefit his career development and so he applied for the...
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HealthTech Academy opens the doors to the health technology industry!
The HealthTech Academy is a six-month recruitment training programme focused on health technology. Through it, Max Johansson and Minna Wesén were employed in...
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Inhimillisyys ja vastuullisuus ovat muutosneuvotteluiden ytimessä
Monet julkisen sektorin toimijat ovat uudenlaisen tilanteen edessä. Hallituksen toteuttamien leikkausten vuoksi julkisissa organisaatioissa tehdään mittavia...
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Inhimillisyys apuun muutosneuvotteluissa
Sanalla muutosneuvottelut – ja sen edeltäjällä, yhteistoiminta- eli yt-neuvotteluilla – on karu kaiku. Vaikka neuvotteluita voidaan käydä monenlaisissa...
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Saranen X Skillcode – Rakennamme yhdessä vaikuttavia osaamisratkaisuja
Nykyosaajien osaamisen uudistaminen sekä jatkuva oppiminen ovat keskeisiä osaamispulan ratkaisun keinoja. Vauhdittaaksemme oppimisratkaisujen kehittämistä ja...
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Muutosturvalaki täydentyy 2023
Yhteistoimintalakiin liittyvä muutosturva saa alkuvuodesta 2023 lisäosan. Muutosturvan täydennyksellä pyritään parantamaan 55-vuotiaiden ja sitä vanhempien...
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Nouse palkkahallinnon tehtäviin Accountorilla
Oletko kiinnostunut palkanlaskijan tai palkka-assistentin työstä? Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus kasvaa näihin rooleihin. Järjestämme nimittäin Accountorin kanssa...
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Are you still looking for the right career? Or do you want to hear about the most current issues in recruitment, renewal or situations of change? Subscribe to our newsletter and keep pace with the work life.
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